No program or API is required to upload data. Just configure a simple script in the control panel to monitor system or sensor data. Let your company focus on your core expertise, easily deploy devices on a large scale and effectively reduce costs.
Collect and store device data in a scalable and fault-tolerant approach. Adapt to slow and unstable mobile networks and cache data when the network is offline to avoid data loss.
Use built-in templates to create multiple types of charts, such as area charts, line charts, and gauge charts, and make interesting and useful dashboards.
Export historical data with the Chart API and integrate it with external services.
Detect events across thousands of IoT sensors and automatically trigger alarm notifications based on real-time operating data. Flexibly customize the alert strategy in the control panel. Send email notifications or call web services to your custom webhook.
Increases uptime of mission-critical IoT devices through a much faster meantime-to-respond, reduce maintenance costs, and increase operational efficiency.