The RemoteIoT API allows even more automation and integration of RemoteIoT service into your system. Use these web services to access your device from anywhere.
If you cannot find a method to achieve your objective or are struggling to use the API, please contact our support team with any questions you may have.
The API access is only available to the Business or Enterprise account.
All requests through the API need to be authorized. Once the token is generated, it needs to be added as a header with the prefix Bearer
The full http header looks like:
Authorization: Bearer json_web_token
Please go to the API access page to find your json_web_token.
Example request:
curl "api_endpoint_here"
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token"
Make sure to replace
with your token.
Devices services are an important feature of RemoteIoT. They allow for much more flexibility to access your device.
Retrieve a list of your devices which have been registered. On success the API will respond with a list of your devices in JSONArray format.
The "Group" parameter filters these devices by device group. To retrieve all devices, leave it blank.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token" \
-d '{
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Group | String | The group of the device. |
Example of server response:
"UnitId": "0000000088888888",
"External_ip": "10.10.10.XXX",
"Internal_ip": "",
"Mac": "88:88:88:88:88:88",
"Notes": "Device Description",
"Group": "Group01",
"Name": "Raspberry pi 001",
"Serial": "0000000012345678"
The Response is a JSONArray object.
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
UnitId | String | This is the device id. |
External_ip | String | The address assigned to you by your Internet Service Provider that is how the Internet and all other computers outside your local network see you. |
Internal_ip | String | The address that is assigned by your local network router. These IP addresses can only be seen by other computers in your local network and not by any computers connected in an external network such as on the Internet. |
Mac | String | This is the MAC address of the device. |
Group | String | This is the device group. |
Name | String | This is the device name. |
Serial | String | This is the serial number. |
Fetch a list of matching device by name regular expression. On success, the API will return a list of your device details in JSONArray format.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token" \
-d '{
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Name | String | Device name (regular expressions are supported) |
Example of server response:
"UnitId": "0000000088888888",
"External IP": "10.10.10.XXX",
"Internal IP": "",
"MAC Address": "88:88:88:88:88:88",
"Description": "Device Description",
"Group": "Group01",
"Name": "Raspberry pi 001",
"Serial": "0000000012345678"
The Response is a JSONArray object.
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
UnitId | String | This is the device id. |
External IP | String | The address assigned to you by your Internet Service Provider that is how the Internet and all other computers outside your local network see you. |
Internal IP | String | The address that is assigned by your local network router. These IP addresses can only be seen by other computers in your local network and not by any computers connected in an external network such as on the Internet. |
MAC Address | String | This is the MAC address of the device. |
Description | String | This is the device description. |
Group | String | This is the device group. |
Name | String | This is the device name. |
Serial | String | This is the serial number. |
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token" \
-d '{
"Description":"Device Description"
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
UnitId | String | This is the device id. |
Name | String | This is the new name. |
Description | String | This is the device description. |
On success the API will respond HTTP Status Code 200.
Retrieve the status of the device. The status is online or offline.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token" \
-d '[{"UnitId":"0000000088888880"},{"UnitId":"0000000088888881"}]'
A list of unit id in JSONArray format
"UnitId": "0000000088888888",
"LastOnlineTime": "20200101 00:00:00",
"Status": "Online"},
"UnitId": "0000000088888881",
"LastOnlineTime": "20200101 00:00:00",
"Status": "Offline"
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
UnitId | String | This is the device id. |
Status | String | This is the status of the device. This is Online or Offline. |
LastOnlineTime | String | This is last online time of the device. |
Setup a remote connect with your device. On success the API will respond the Host name and Port number. You may login your device with it.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token" \
-d '{
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
UnitId | String | This is the device id. |
LocalPort | String | This is the local port in your device. For example, 22 for ssh login. |
Permanent | boolean | Permanent tunnel(For Enterprise user only). |
LimitingAccessIP | String | Limiting Access By IP(For Enterprise user only) |
Host | String | Global proxy(For Enterprise user only). Please specify the following host:
LocalHost | String | Connect other computer on the local network (For Enterprise user only) |
"Host": "",
"Port": 23401,
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Host | String | This is the remote host name. |
Port | integer | This is the remote port number. |
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token" \
-d '{
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
UnitId | String | This is the device id. |
On success the API will respond HTTP Status Code 200.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token" \
-d '{
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
UnitId | String | This is the device id. |
Port | String | This is the remote port number. |
On success the API will respond HTTP Status Code 200.
List currently active connection.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token"
The Response is a JSONArray object.
"Name": "Test1"
"UnitId": "0000000088888888",
"LocalPort": "22",
"LocalHost": "",
"Host": "",
"Port": "10000"
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Name | String | This is the name of the device. |
UnitId | String | This is the device id. |
LocalPort | String | This is the local port in the device. |
LocalHost | String | This is the local address of the device. |
Host | String | This is the remote host in the server. |
Port | String | This is the remote port in the server. |
Get these device log files (Only those new log contents updated since the last api call are returned).
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token" \
-d '{
"File":"System error"
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
UnitId | String | This is the device id. |
File | String | This is the file name. |
The Response is a JSONArray object.
"Log": "[Wed Nov 3 03:31:43 2021] piix4_smbus "
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Log | String | This is the content of the log file. |
Change Device Group.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token" \
-d '{
"Group":"Group Name"
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
UnitId | String | This is the device id. |
Group | String | This is the group name. |
On success the API will respond HTTP Status Code 200.
Create a new group.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token" \
-d '{
"Group":"Group Name"
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Group | String | This is the group name. |
On success the API will respond HTTP Status Code 200.
Returns the values of these custom fields.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token"
-d '{
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
CustomField | String | The name of the custom field. |
Unit | JSONArray | IDs of these devices (Up to 1000 IDs) |
The Response is a JSONArray object.
[{"UnitId":"0000000088888881","Custom":"custom value1"},{"UnitId":"0000000088888882","Custom":"custom value2"}]
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
UnitId | String | IDs of these devices. |
Custom | String | The value of the custom field. |
Update the value of a custom field.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token"
-d '{
"Value":"custom value1"
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
CustomField | String | The name of the custom field. |
UnitId | String | The ID of these devices. |
Value | String | The value of the custom field. |
On success the API will respond HTTP Status Code 200.
Submit a network test job.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token" \
-d '{
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
UnitId | String | This is the device id. |
On success the API will respond HTTP Status Code 200.
Get network test results.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token" \
-d '{
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
UnitId | String | This is the device id. |
The Response is a JSONObect object.
"Submission Time": "2024-01-01 00:00:00.0",
"Ip": "",
"ISP": "ISP Name",
"Ping": "11.502 ms",
"Upload": "947.23 Mbit/s",
"Download": "1723.05 Mbit/s",
"Ip Location": "NJ, United States",
"Wireless Quality": "(Prefect)",
"Network RX errors": "0",
"Network TX errors": "0"
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Submission Time | String | This is the submission time (GMT) for the network test job. |
Ip | String | This is the IP of the device. |
ISP | String | This is the ISP name of the device's network. |
Ping | String | It is expressed in milliseconds (ms) and represents the round-trip time for the packet. |
Upload | String | This is the upload speed of the device network. |
Download | String | This is the download speed of the device network. |
Ip Location | String | This is the IP location of the device network. |
Wireless Quality | String | This is the wireless quality of the device network. (Prefect / Good / Medium / Weak) |
Network RX errors | String | This is a reception error on the device network. |
Network TX errors | String | This is a sending error from the device network. |
Execute a bash script or a shell command in your device.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token" \
-d '{
"ExecuteTime":"2017-05-19 00:00:00",
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
JobName | String | This is the job name. |
UnitId | String | This is the device id. |
ExecuteTime | String | Execute the script in a specific time (GMT). |
Script | String | Execute a script file which has been uploaded in portal. |
Command | String | Execute a Linux command. If the 'Script' field is not null, the field is ignored. |
On success the API will respond HTTP Status Code 200.
Update the content of a file in your device.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token" \
-d '{
"ExecuteTime":"2017-05-19 00:00:00",
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
JobName | String | This is the job name. |
UnitId | String | This is the device id. |
ExecuteTime | String | Update the file in a specific time. |
Filename | String | This is the full path of file. |
Content | String | This is the content of file. |
On success the API will respond HTTP Status Code 200.
Upload a file with multipart form-data API.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token" \
-F File=@/tmp/test.txt \
-F 'Data={
"ExecuteTime":"2023-01-12 08:01:37",
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
File | form-data | This is the multipart form-data. |
Data | Json | This is a request in json format. |
Folder | String | Upload the file to a folder on the device. |
IsAll | Boolean | Upload file to all devices. Default is false. |
Group | String | Upload files to a device group. Default is null. |
Unit | Json Array | Upload files to these specified devices. Default is null. |
ExecuteTime | String | Update the file in a specific time. Default is now. |
PreScript | String | Execute script before upload. Default is null. |
AfterScript | String | Execute script after upload. Default is null. |
On success the API will respond HTTP Status Code 200.
Return the status and the output of these batch jobs.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token"
-d '{
Parameter | Data Type | Description | UnitId | String | This is the device ID. If the device ID is empty, all jobs are returned. |
The Response is a JSONArray object.
"Name": "Test1"
"UnitId": "0000000088888888",
"Status": "Executed",
"SubmitTim": "2017-01-10 10:02:30.0"
"ExecuteTim": "2017-01-10 10:02:30.0"
"Script": "",
"Command": ""
"Result": ""
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Name | String | This is the name of the job. |
UnitId | String | This is the device id. |
Status | String | This is the status of the batch job. This is "Executed" or "Pending". |
SubmitTim | String | This is submit time of the job. |
ExecuteTim | String | This is execution time of the job. |
Script | String | This is the script file name. |
Result | String | This is the output of the job. |
Delete these jobs of the device.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token" \
-d '{
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
UnitId | String | This is the device id. |
On success the API will respond HTTP Status Code 200.
Return the id and name of these cloud charts.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token"
The Response is a JSONArray object.
"Name": "Chart1"
"ChartId": "12345678901234567890123456789012"
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Name | String | This is the name of the chart. |
ChartId | String | This is the id of the chart. |
For security reasons, you can update the chart ID regularly.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token"
On success the API will respond HTTP Status Code 200.
Return the historical data of these cloud charts.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token"
-d '{
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
UnitId | String | This is the device id. |
ChartId | String | This is the chart id. |
Hour | integer | Hours of historical data. |
The response is a history file in csv format.
2020-12-27 05:25:00,188660
2020-12-27 05:30:00,188572
2020-12-27 05:35:00,188668
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Timestamp | String | This is the timestamp of historical data. |
Value | integer | This is value of historical data. |
Returns historical data of cloud chart for these multi devices.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token"
-d '{
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Unit | JSONArray | IDs of these devices |
ChartId | String | This is the chart id. |
Hour | integer | Hours of historical data. |
The response is a history file in csv format.
0000000088888881,2020-12-27 05:25:00,188660
0000000088888881,2020-12-27 05:30:00,188572
0000000088888882,2020-12-27 05:35:00,188668
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
UnitId | String | IDs of these devices. |
Timestamp | String | This is the timestamp of historical data. |
Value | integer | This is value of historical data. |
Return the device uptime.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token"
-d '{
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Unit | JSONArray | IDs of these devices (Up to 1000 IDs) |
Hour | integer | Hours of uptime data. |
The response is a historical data file in csv format.
0000000088888881,2020-12-27 05:25:00,100
0000000088888881,2020-12-27 05:30:00,100
0000000088888882,2020-12-27 05:35:00,20
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
UnitId | String | IDs of these devices. |
Timestamp | String | This is the timestamp of uptime. |
Value | integer | This is the percentage of uptime. |
Return the network uptime.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token"
-d '{
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Unit | JSONArray | IDs of these devices (Up to 1000 IDs) |
Hour | integer | Hours of uptime data. |
The response is a historical data file in csv format.
0000000088888881,2020-12-27 05:25:00,100
0000000088888881,2020-12-27 05:30:00,100
0000000088888882,2020-12-27 05:35:00,20
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
UnitId | String | IDs of these devices. |
Timestamp | String | This is the timestamp of uptime. |
Value | integer | This is the percentage of uptime. |
Return network input traffic.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token"
-d '{
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Unit | JSONArray | IDs of these devices (Up to 1000 IDs) |
Hour | integer | Hours of uptime data. |
The response is a historical data file in csv format.
0000000088888881,2020-12-27 05:25:00,100
0000000088888881,2020-12-27 05:30:00,100
0000000088888882,2020-12-27 05:35:00,20
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
UnitId | String | IDs of these devices. |
Timestamp | String | This is the timestamp of uptime. |
Value | integer | This is the network input traffic. |
Return network output traffic.
Example request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer json_web_token"
-d '{
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Unit | JSONArray | IDs of these devices (Up to 1000 IDs) |
Hour | integer | Hours of uptime data. |
The response is a historical data file in csv format.
0000000088888881,2020-12-27 05:25:00,100
0000000088888881,2020-12-27 05:30:00,100
0000000088888882,2020-12-27 05:35:00,20
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
UnitId | String | IDs of these devices. |
Timestamp | String | This is the timestamp of uptime. |
Value | integer | This is the network output traffic. |
The following API rate limits apply to all APIs:
This section can detail the different error responses.
Error Code | Meaning |
400 | Bad Request – Your request sucks. |
401 | Unauthorized – Your API key is wrong. |
403 | Forbidden – Too many requests from the same client IP. Please refer API Rate Limits. |
404 | Not Found – The specified request or data could not be found. |
500 | Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later. |
503 | Service Unavailable – We are temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later. |